Many of us find an excuse why we shouldn’t go on holiday. Budget, time, weather, too much work, kids – the list is quite long, but in actual fact it is essential that you take a break. It is needed to re-boot you, your life, your relationships and it is now a proven fact that a holiday is essential for your mind, body and soul. Here are 6 reasons why you should book your time away now:
Regain your fitness
Did you know that experts believe that you can reclaim up to 30% of your fitness just by going on holidays? You are forced through sheer enjoyment to walk more when exploring, chase the kids along the beach and swim in the pool! And the best news? Just by not sitting at your desk all day you will look and feel fitter….
Rebuild your body
Without the stress of the 9-5 grind our bodies actually have time to repair themselves….it is widely recognised that chronic disorders such as back pain, sore throats and migraines reduce or disappear when we are on holiday!
Breathe easier
The air is cleaner in holiday spots high above sea level, in less congested towns and villages, and when you are in the snowfields or near a rainforest. So many holiday destinations fit these criteria so escape now and do your lungs a favour…
Feel inspired
Visit places that will inspire your passion and move you. Try Peru for total inspiration. If you love to cook or would like to learn a new language – head to Italy and live with the locals for a month. If biking is your thing, find a holiday company that will make you feel like you are winning the .Tour de France. Sunlight, laughter, healthy food, exercise, and fresh air are all guaranteed to have you bouncing off the walls with enthusiasm!
Reconnect with yourself, your partner or loved ones
Travel is good for relationships. It has now been scientifically proven! So get out of your own environment and into new unfamiliar territory and just see what happens! Whether you are looking for some much-needed ‘you’ time, a little va va voom for two, or a great way to reconnect with your kids – this is the way to go.
Sleep better
Lower stress levels and the relative peace-and-quiet that comes with any holiday are key in helping you catch up on lost sleep. So find somewhere peaceful to chill out and turn down the volume in your head – sleep deprivation is not a good thing!
So come on, book your holiday now. Whether it be a long weekend in the city, a camping trip in a rainforest or a getaway with the girls – it is always the right time to take a break and take care of you. To inspire others why don’t you share your stories on how a holiday re-booted you?
Talk again soon and have a great weekend.
Chief Diva Andrea xx
Source: reasons why you need a holiday.
Photos: Travelling Divas own